Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Favorite Job!

I have had a lot of jobs in my life. My first job (besides babysitting) was at a Farmer's Market. I've waited tables, flipped burgers, run a register for a dept. store, college bookstore, and a gas station (11pm - 7am shift), scrubbed toilets, managed the night shift at a sub shop, and directed traffic around road construction. I have learned a little about what I don't want to do when I grow up but I still don't know what it is I do want to do.
Tonight at Cub Scout Pack meeting Eli was asked "What job would say your Mom does?" and looking at me he answered "PTA?" Give that boy the GRAND PRIZE ~ He is right!
Last week I was busy with The McAlpine Mile fundraiser (we raised over $11,000), this Friday each class has their Spring Celebration (cookies and juice packs) I don't have to be there but I do have to remind the parents who volunteered to bring the stuff. Now I am heavily involved in planning for the Spring Book Fair. I LOVE my job! Next year my life should get a little easier with the change in position from Co-VP of Fundraising, Book Fair Chair, and Room Parent x 2 to PTA Co-President, but for now I am loving every busy minute of my job! Does this count as a job?

Eli and his first grade class after finishing the McAlpine Mile! (Yes, I made the sign too!)


Erin said...

with as many hours you spend at the school or working on school stuff I would say, yes, you can count that as a job!

Jessica said...

You Rock La! I envy your school for a lot of reasons, but the top one is that they have someone like you serving so diligently. You are my hero. I love you.